Monday, November 9, 2009

Nate and Shaina

I'm blessed enough to have an older brother in my life, one who let me hang out with all his senior friends when I was just a wee freshman in high school. He didn't realize how much it would drive him crazy. :)

However, this connection of events led me to meet Dirks, who introduced me and initiated me into "the family;" a group of guys that I love pretty much beyond reason. And well, this weekend one of them got married. Shaina is everything I would hope for in a sister. She is sweet, funny, beautiful, intelligent, and poised even in the face of disaster. She also did the worm in her wedding dress. Enough said! They are awesome! I could not be happier to have been a witness on their wedding day. I love you both! Congratulations Nate and Shaina!

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1 comment:

  1. These are amazing! You did such a fantastic job! You certainly have captured the essence of the night!

    -the maid of honor
