Sunday, January 23, 2011

Julia and Quinton

I'm approaching my maternity sessions a little differently these days. Mainly, *let's have more fun* and incorporate the whole pregnancy experience; cravings, weird experiences, the gamut. Julia and Quinton are my kind of people. They like sports, Julia likes potatoes, and they are having a baby. AWESOME!

Julia painted and glazed these sweet shoes for when her baby is born in the next few months. I love the idea of giving something that shows just how loved and excited the parents are for their baby to arrive!

The playoffs were today, Packers v.s. da Bears. Julia's from Chi-town so yawlreddyknow we planned our shoot for the morning so we wouldn't miss the game. Or, my personal favorites, a warm couch and snacks.

Julia: you. are. beautiful.

So Julia had a thing for potatoes, and it's made me start wondering. Where the HECK is my stomach going to take me when I'm pregnant? I already have a love affair with a sandwich that makes most people cringe: tuna, mayo (sweetened with a hint of honey), mustard, pickles, onion, and cheese pressed in between some toasted whole wheat. My boyfriend knows to keep yogurt, chips and chocolate in his fridge when "girl time" comes around. Salty, savory and sweet... cold and crunchy.. nom nom nom! I know you may be questioning my palette but have I mentioned I have a food blog? It's awesome! (And sorely in need of an update but you can see it here .)

Do you have any strange cravings?

Dumb joke or laughing about chips? :)

Ok so slightly ridiculous but I *love* these pictures^!

Advice from this sweet couple? JUST BE HAPPY!
I couldn't have said it better myself...

Julia and Quinton, thank you for sharing your morning and your story with me.


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