Thursday, February 25, 2010

Websiteee! and coups!

Hello hello! In celebration of re-vamping my website I'll be offering a 20% percent off coupon for all sessions (excluding weddings) booked through March! All you have to do is mention you saw this when you schedule your appointment.

AND WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Go, go, go! I'd love some feedback on the layout, let me know if there is anything you think I should add, like an FAQ section? Bring back the calender? Are the slideshows too long? Think about and holler at me. Those that leave a comment may just get something extra special! :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I made the trip home from Gainesville on a Thursday when life was in the 70's. I packed my bag with several pairs of shorts, a few cute little tops, and my trusted pair of red converse. Little did I suspect that the temperature would plummet the farther south I traveled, and I was definitely not expecting a downpour on Friday! An innocent trip to the grocery store left me sopping wet and laughing hysterically after running frantically with bags full of nom-nom's all of a hundred yards to the car. Hahaha.

That being said: I neglected to bring jeans for my shoot yesterday. And because I am now a third year college student, there is very little clothing left at Mom's house in Tampa. I scrambled, I scoured, I poked through every drawer. Alas the last item of clothing lingering in the desolate closet were a pair of wind breakers from swim team. You know, swishy pants. And they are a very vibrant shade of royal blue.

It was also one of the windiest days on record, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I had pants created solely for breaking wind. It was the first time I've seen Amanda and Josh (looking extremely stylin' I might add) since their wedding! Amanda is glowing at 8 months! They were very casual about my odd state of dress (the red shoes, the blue pants and a sweater borrowed from Mom) AND they brought along a few surprises. Team Awesome is what I will call them. Amanda's sister and my good friend Jill, Josh's buddy Charlie, who was comic relief to anotha level, and the cutest little man I've seen in quite some time, their puppy Zeus!

Team Awesome held little Zeus on his off camera time and almost blew away holding my reflector in the wind! Did I mention Jill was climbing hills in heels? Awesome! All in all it was a distinct pleasure to see you again and I can't wait to meet your beautiful daughter in the next few weeks!
