Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh, lighten up!

Work, work, work! I've been so busy taking pictures for the Engineering Department that I haven't had much time to shoot for myself lately. And since I'm not taking any photo classes this semester I don't even have the excuse to burrow myself in the dark room. :(

Today I said screwahooooo it and adventured away! My car is now covered in mud, I have several mosquito bites in unpleasant places and I am a MUCH happier clam. (Go figure the things I like, eh?!) Our lovely sporadic Florida showers kept me good company as I slipped and slid my way through 6 miles of dirt-road and explored the back boundaries of a secret Gainesville location. I got some sprinkles on my gear, used a tri-pod for maybe the third time of my life, am covered in mud myself and had SO MUCH FUN!

I'm always down to shoot and hopefully will be getting out more often. Any photographers in the Tampa Bay/Gainesville areas give me a shout!

^ make this one bigger!


Vitale Art Studio

So I do the portrait/ wedding thing. But I also go to school for art.
Brand spankin new fact of the day! Truth is, I love it. The community in Gainesville
is all about supporting the arts and we have shows connected with UF all
the time. So it was a pretty big deal to me when I got accepted into a show
that had nothing to do with UF. I applied, and got to put three
big pieces from my "Catharsis Project" up.
Hope you enjoy getting a sneek peak of what I do on the other side of the fence!

View from inside. Mine are right near the entrance!

^ They are looking, they are looking!

^so happy to be there ladies and gents.

Mine were the only ones you could see from the street.

What they look like with out horrible glare.
"Turtle Neck Summer", "All Made Up", "My Best Smiles"

Also- enormous shout out to Hector from Hector's Framing for the fastest and cleanest mat cutting experience ever. If you live in Gainesville, back away from CFOP and go to Hector for matting and framing. He is the BEST! (www.HectorFraming.com)