Sydney is one of my best friends. Some awesome stroke of fate landed me in the same elongated dorm room as her my first year of college. Looking back, I have never felt so lucky.

She is the "always there" friend. The one who sticks around when it's not easy to stick around. The one with the 'in-your-face' total honesty. The one with a heart so big you wonder why she hasn't had a heart attack yet. She's the down to earth one. The 'tom-boy I can kick your-ass in every sport and out-drink you' one. She's the one all the boys fall in love with and all the girls are jealous of. She's the one who I made steak, zucchini and onions with for weeks on end; the one who opened up the windows and shook a towel in front of the smoke alarm because we forgot to cure the cast iron grill-pan. She's the one who hopped into bed with me when I was stuck in the hospital with 3 seasons of Will and Grace. She's the kind of friend who has an incredible work ethic. Who is going to be insanely successful in whatever she chooses to do because she is just a good person. She's the friend who has helped me through 4 years of bogus weird art projects, who has worn stinky thrift store grandma nighties and laid in milk for me when it was 40 degrees outside. This is the girl who I've had soul bearing talks, innumerable laughs and honest tears with. This is the kind of friend I know I'll have for the rest of my life. She's mah boo. The strong one.

And now she's graduating, so it was my turn to try to give back a little for all she's done. These pictures are inadequate for all she means to me but I love them all the same. I may be biased but I think she looks like a super model.


isn't she beautiful! =)