Friday, August 14, 2009

Movin' it! Struttin' it!

I've been on the move! Where, you may ask?

Well I've been here.
And I've been here.
And I've been moving through life like a hurricane on 5-hour energy.

I've been watching lightning storms move across the East coast. I've been soaking up a grand amount of vitamin D. I've been laying in tall grasses, swinging on swings, climbing trees and swimming in water that felt like it was 60 degrees. I've been camping at Anastasia National Park. Taking photos of some island ratz skimming at Vilano. And I've been living these two weeks of summer like a little raccoon with skittle fingers. As much as I'd like to apologize for my lack of posts, I'd like to think that you would prefer me to be outside!

After visiting many of the rest stops along I-95 and way too many sandwiches we made it to the East Coast. Highlights: We went camping in some lovely tents. We build a fire. We made some chicken. We burned the chicken into charcoal nuggets. We ate it anyways.

We walked to the beach. Then we drove to another beach. We had neighbors. We had bad, bad neighbors. We had neighbors that brought booze (PROHIBITED) and screamed into the late hours of the night. 2 am rolls around and I'm tossing and turning on top of a sleeping bag, praying for a pair of earmuffs to magically appear beside me when Charlie rolls up in his warden-mobile. I can hear Charlie talking to our neighbors. Charlie is a very nice man for a park warden..And he warned them, politely, and then said "move it!" And they do, to a secret location I will disclose in the next paragraph... Anyways, they get kicked out later anyways for being obnoxious. That's not the point of this story.

The point of this story happens 4 hours later as a few of my favorite people and I open our sleep deprived eyes, yawn irreverently and put on some runnin shoes. "To the beach!" I imagine Skinny Mike declared! And three boys left without me to catch sunrise. I left a little later, (coffeeless, you know?) and I loved every second of my solitary jog. However, upon completing the pitter-pattering of my little feet and joining the men we stumble upon the reminants of the neighbors. THEY WERE DEAD!!!!!

Just kidding. What do we see laying gracelessly on the sand?!

....MEAT. But they didn't even have the decency to cook it. Meat all over the street. Meat meets me, and I'm mad. Raw meat and broken glass and empty/half full beer cans on the lifeguard stands, in the sand, on the land, and man.. it was almost funny in a Salvador Dali meets T-rex kinda way. I was so busy admiring clouds that had the texture of the softest cashmere as they were lit in gorgeous melon colored hues, I almost stepped on a steak.

Those clouds later built into epic proportioned thunderheads.
And those thunderheads later flooded two out of the three tents and everything inside. That storm caused us to pack up after such a long day, hold an umbrella over our fire to try to cook some dinner before cramming our sad, soaked bodies into one less car than before and making it home. We chased the sun; headed west into the sunset. Steel clouds became almost maroon as lightning brushed horizontally across the sky, shimmering like a dew on a web. Or tinsel. (:D) Fingers reaching out towards the coastline so elegantly I felt like I was watching a ballet. And perhaps I was.. there was a pretty consistent chorus of oo's and ah's from our little carload. I held my life in my lap and listened until I fell asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon, I miss your smiling face and bubbliness. Hope to see you soon. Your story was captivating and your pics - as always - fantabulous. Hope school is going well. Ms. Valerie
